An email is being sent to you right now. This email contains our rationale for grading the answers to this quiz the way we have done. You should get this email within the next 15-20 minutes.
In the meanwhile, as the next step, we would like to invite you to register for our upcoming webinar. The title of this webinar is "The Strategy Masterclass"... and the reason why you should attend it is because traditional models of business building may not be the best ones for the current economy.
You can find more details about the webinar, and the subject matter by clicking this button...
Westernston is the world's leading business systems architecture firm.
We help our clients with systemizing their business' operations and growing their brand equity.
To this end, we provide tools, training and other work-product that help them stratgically achieve their objective(s).
We only work with a very small number of clients at any given point of time. Working with a client requires a lot of attention, focus and dedication on our part, which is why we have to be selective about who we work with.
Consequently, we only work with clients who control their own brand in its entirety. Which means, we do not work with franchise businesses, or with businesses that sell products that could be classified as commodities.
Westernston is world's leading Business Systems Architecture firm.
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